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Carbon+Alt+Delete calculator

To help companies measure their greenhouse gas emissions in an intelligent and organized way, Carbon+Alt+Delete has created a carbon calculator tool to keep track of everything. Why would you need an online carbon calculator to measure you in-house effort?

1. Reduce time spent to calculate and update the carbon footprint.

2. Ensure compliancy of carbon accounting processes (compliancy-as-a-service).

3. Standardize carbon accounting processes within your firm.

4. Ensure auditability of carbon accounting process by a 3rd party (assurance).

5. Provide actionable insights to develop a coherent climate strategy.

6. Enable junior resources to manage the carbon accounting process and free up senior expert time.

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  • Carbon accounting engine

    Calculate the full organizational carbon footprint (scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions) according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

  • Audit trail

    Maintain an overview of all data sources, a logbook of all data edits and all supporting documents such as invoices.

  • Co-branding

    Customize the look and feel of Carbon+Alt+Delete with your logo, company colors and a dedicated URL.

  • Data requests

    Send data requests directly to data owners and manage the status of the data collection process.

  • Data imports

    Upload large datasets of activity data or set up automated integration with data platforms.

  • Dashboard & exports

    Present results in a customizable and interactive dashboard and export data in PDF-format or Excel-format.